It is utterly shameful that liberals have embraced the notion that somehow Canada and Quebec have a special problem with anti-Muslim sentiment when nothing could be further than the truth.
The self-flagellating rhetoric over perceived Islamophobia echoed and parroted by politicians and liberals is pathetically sad when one considers the facts, those pesky things that get in the way of a good narrative. The Canadian reality is completely different from that which is being foisted upon us by the Muslim pity machine and their useful idiots.
The commemoration over the deaths of six Quebecers in a Quebec city mosque would be a reasonable sign of respect had it not been hijacked and steeped in the political message that Quebec society is deeply Islamophobic and that somehow we are all responsible for what happened.
Muslims demand that we not judge their community by linking them to the daily Islamic terrorist acts that occur at an alarming rate all over the world.
That's a big ask, considering over the last 30 days Islamic terrorists launched 121 attacks in 21 countries, in which 944 people were killed and 1282 injured.
Afghan authorities have raised the death toll from Saturday's suicide bombing in Kabul to 103, as hundreds of people gathered for funerals or awaited word of loved ones outside hospitals and morgues.Now the Canadian Muslim community tells us that these crimes are the actions of a few lunatics within their community and not representative.
The attacker, driving an ambulance filled with explosives, was able to race through a security checkpoint by saying he was transferring a patient to a hospital. The explosion damaged or destroyed dozens of shops and vehicles in the heart of the city, near government buildings.
Interior Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak provided the updated death toll on Sunday, saying another 235 people were wounded in the attack. Link
Yet when one lunatic Quebecer murders six Muslims in a Quebec city church we are told by the same Muslim community that the crime is somehow linked to our general racism and that we as a society bear a measure of collective guilt.
And so they propose a special day to heap guilt on Quebec and Canadian society, throwing up and manipulating Muslim victims in order to make us feel guilty and somehow blunt criticism.
There seems to be a concerted effort by some in the Muslims community to smear Canadians with the Islamophobic label, so much so that they invent stories of Muslim victimization, like the outrageous story of a Muslim 11-year-old who made up a convincing story about being assaulted over her hijab. Of course, the hand-wringing liberal apologists jumped on the story, aided and abetted by an equally compliant media with nary a thought as to testing the veracity of the charge.
It took police less than a day to debunk the story, something the school and the media should have done themselves, but the story was too delicious and played into the liberal narrative that Canadians have it in for Muslims.
In the aftermath of the affair, everyone was whitewashed and the facts quickly swept under the carpet. Nobody dared ask questions as to which adult was really responsible for this outrage because certainly, it wasn't the eleven years old.
And still leftists apologists persist. The Huffington Post ran this story.
Read: The Girl Who Lied About Hijab Attack Deserves An Apology .... Argghhh.....
Calling the girl a victim is another sad deflection, a tried and true tactic used by clever spinmeisters to alter the conversation.
And so the pity peddlers and their useful idiots are lecturing Canadians that the fake hate crime incident shouldn't take away from the 'real' bashing that Muslims suffer and that it is unfortunate that we as Canadians will be less likely to believe future claims.
Again it is our fault.
From Statistics Canada;
"Police reported 460 hate crimes targeting religious groups in 2016, 9 fewer than in the previous year. These accounted for one-third of all hate crimes in Canada.Let me make it simpler. In 2016;
Following a notable increase in hate crimes against the Muslim population in 2015, police reported 20 fewer in 2016 for a total of 139. The decrease in police-reported hate crimes against Muslims was the result of fewer reported incidents in Quebec (-16), Alberta (-8) and Ontario (-6).
Similarly, after an increase in 2015, hate crimes against Catholics also decreased, from 55 to 27 in 2016. Ontario reported 16 fewer incidents, and declines were also seen in Quebec (-7) and the Atlantic provinces (-5).
In contrast, hate crimes against the Jewish population grew from 178 to 221 incidents. Increases were seen in Ontario (+31), Quebec (+11) and Manitoba (+7)." Link
Canada's 1,000,000 Muslims suffered 139 hate crimes or one hate crime per 7,200 Muslims.
Canada's 800,000 Blacks suffered 214 hate crimes or one hate crime per 3,700 Blacks.
Canada's 400,000 Jews suffered 221 hate crimes or one hate crime per 1,700 Jews.
Source...Statistics Canada. Link
It is a statistical fact that in Canada a Black person is twice as likely to be the victim of a hate crime opposed to a Muslim and a Jew almost four times as likely. In the USA, there are twice as many hate crimes directed towards Jews and Blacks, than directed against Muslims.
"The claim that the relatively small number of hate crimes can be attributed to under-reporting is implausible, given the cultural climate and plethora of media outlets eager to find evidence for Islamophobia."
So do we really need a day to decry Islamophobia when as a community they face less discrimination than other identifiable groups?
As I said, facts are pesky things and it's actually true that hate crimes against all communities in Canada are on the decline, so there's really no need to panic.
And by the way, in commemorating the terrorist deaths of the victims of the Quebec City shooting, are we not forgetting the six other Quebecers murdered by terrorists. Aren't their lives worth remembering as well? The six Quebecers were killed in Burkino Faso by Islamic terrorists while doing humanitarian work. Are their lives less important?
In Canada we are lucky, radical Islam is not a problem and other than a couple of isolated mosques in Toronto and Montreal where hateful, mostly antisemitic rhetoric is spewed, Canada's Muslim community is a pacifistic, law-abiding and a credit to our society.
The isolated anti-Muslim incidents are few and far between and are exaggerated by the media in search of a controversial story.
When a dozen idiots march in opposition to Islam it is front-page news, but by and large Muslims immigrants are lucky to arrive in such a kind and generous nation.
Exaggerated Canadian Islamophobia is an invention by Muslims with a pity agenda and their useful idiots like Justin Trudeau, a man who believes returning ISIS fighters deserve a second chance, while expelling caucus members from his government at the first hint of sexual impropriety. It is as if calling a female "yummy" in an elevator is worse than killing and beheading in the Middle East.
I'll say it again so that apologists and their useful idiots get the point.`
Blacks and Jews suffer worse indignities in Canada than Muslims.
It is a fact that cannot be denied.
All forms of hate crimes are to be condemned, but hate crimes against Muslims are no more important than the others and we should understand that despite the din, we are being conned.