Bowing to furious public pressure led by Quebec Solidaire supporters to save the riding, the CRE did a quick 180 degree turn and split Mont-Royal, giving about half the voters to Darcy-McGee and the other half to Westmount.
Now all four ridings involved had about 40,000 voters and the changes will push Westmount and Darcy McGee (Côte Saint-Luc Hampstead) to an astounding 60,000 voters each, a number that makes a mockery of fair representation.
The general rule is that no riding should vary by more than 25% of the average, but there are plenty of exceptions, non of them favouring Anglophones.
Let us consider the riding of Îles-de-la-Madeleine, a postage stamp island group in the Gulf of St. Lawrence that has but 11,000 voters.
In the last election 8, 500 citizens voted and elected a member.
In the last election 75,000 citizens voted in the three above mentioned anglo ridings and elected 3 members.
But in the next election the approximately 8, 500 citizens will again vote and elect a member for Îles-de-la-Madeleine,
However, in the next election approximately 37, 500 citizens will likely vote and elect a member for Darcy McGee and approximately 37, 500 citizens will likely vote and elect a member for Westmount.
Before the redistricting, voters in Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead or Mont-Royal needed three voters to match the voting power of one voter on that fair island.
After redistricting, it will take four and a half voters to match that voting power.
It is in fact, nothing more than a painful Quebec version of gerrymandering, reducing the power of English votes in favour of boosting French.
It is especially repugnant considering that these Anglo ridings are growing while the Îles-de-la-Madeleine is on life support and would probably collapse if not for the buckets of aid that the federal government provides, where the industrious fisherman work for three months and collect employment insurance for nine months and this year after year.
The mayor of Mont-Royal pleaded with the commission to save his riding, claiming that an incredible building boom will swell the population by 35,000.
In fact the citizens and businesses of the above-mentioned two newly-formed anglo ridings pay more in taxes than the entire six ridings on the Gaspé peninsula, plus the blood-sucking parasite that is Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
It is the ultimate democratic slight of taxation without fair representation.
Of course the Francophone media was abuzz with the story, all talking about the successful campaign led by the delightful Ms. Manon Massé, the Quebec Solidaire incumbent who won the riding by 90 votes last election. All the commentators agreed that the commission acted improperly by giving in to pressure, but unanimously opined that in the end it was a good decision to save her riding at the expense of the Anglos.
Ms. Massé is famous for her radical lesbian anti-men tirades, telling all who will listen that rape culture pervades Quebec.
At any rate I don't think she's got much to worry about on that count.
Today the entire French media have totally ignored the shafting of theAnglo voters, instead focusing on her lovely victory.
As I felt the welling sensation of indignant rage at the injustice, I decided that instead of going to the bar to drown my emotions, I would head over to the cesspool that is the comments section of the Journal de Montréal and see what the trolls would have to say about all this, knowing full well that the comments are not moderated and we all know what that means.....
Now before anyone complains about the cruel, sarcastic and sexist insults, blame the Journal, it published the comments, I only translate.
-"And thus she avoids a return to Government benefits and Paris paté."
"A sourpuss who has no respect for men"
"What's on her chin. Did she cut herself shaving this morning?
"Good for her. She'll be able to keep her salary and will be able to afford to buy a razor to take care of that mustache"
"Too bad! We could have got rid of her legally, without being accused of racism, xenophobia, misogynism or some other madness."
"Hooray...Welfare bums will continue to have a voice in the assembly"
"Ah Quebec... all to satisfy the LGBTs (read: the "fuckers"of this marvellous banana republic.)
"Cannot believe that we have this beauty as deputy. Hide in the last row"
"I hope that in the next election, Quebec Solitaire will not have the bad taste to put up posters with the picture of the beautiful Manon everywhere in her riding. It could frighten children, scare tourists, increase the rate of Alcoholism, and give serious arguments to women who are wearing the full veil ."
Lol! Did you see the welfare bums gang surrounding Manon at her press conference? It looked like a scene of the Bougons - The movie.
Well, she'll be good to go once again, spitting venom at straight men, I don't understand why we give so much visibility to this populist who propagates a message that all men are serial rapists, I want to believe that she has the right to be a lesbian, but she could have a little respect. .
Is it a man or a woman?.....Manon Massé
Nobody knows!
"A woman with a mustache, someone described her as a 'butch.' I come from the countryside and I not familiar with the term, I'd rather just call her a monster."
"The welfare butch of the gay quarter....ouch!"
"Do they take us for idiots thinking that we would swallow the reasons evoked by the commission to justify its about-face." "
"Too bad, Barnum & Bailey no longer accepts this kind of specimen."
"It is with great sadness that we learn that Manon Massé has advanced prostate cancer.
We offer him all our sympathies."
"They are now talking about changing the name of St. Mary Magdalene to that of Karl Marx."
"Mouaaaaaaahhhh !! It's no big deal. A women who walks like a cowboy and looks like a witch."
"My neighbor's mother makes $75 per hour at home. She was unemployed for 3 months, but last month her check was $14,438 working on the Internet 3 hours each day >> https://www.xxxx."
"Did she advise the welfare department of her new revenue?"
"I am so happy for her. Communist or not, it's necessary to represent the good people of her riding!!! Crack houses, needle joints, 40% on welfare, 30% working under the table .... prostitution on all the corners.... but like all Quebecers they have the right to have a person defend their right to be bloodsuckers ..... "
And I've saved the best for last. For those who read French it is a humdinger which would certainly be lost in translation.
"Ses tu une femme ou ses tu un homme Manon ?....Si tu veut etre une femme Manon mais tu veut pas te faire couper ta queu parceque tes "lesbienne" et que ta ou tes blondes apprecies le petit extra ses tu ca pouquoi tu la guarde ?....Ou tu veut pas aller juqua couper le petit extra pour devenir un vrai femme.....te faire un vagin artificiell ....mais ta le cancer de la prostate alors tu peut prendre un conger de maladie doit etre melengant en callis vivre une vie comme sa quand tu te reveille le matin . Pas homme mais pas vraiment une resambler de plus en plus a Gerry Boulet en veillissant .Heureusement est pas chauve
une peruque sa l,aiderais pas ....J,ai regarder ses videos sur YOUTUBE ...a fait du bon travail
pour parler pour les jeune tres confus qui son entre 2 mondes ...Anyway j,ai rien de mal a dire de Manon je trouve son histoire bizarre ...un peut triste ...Je suis un peut vieu jeu ...mais je sais que son subconscent est aussi bon que le mien"
Good job Journal de Montreal...
At least I'm feeling better!
*********************** U P D A T E*******************************
On Sunday morning Madame Massé called a Press conference where she told reporters that she is seeking the leadership position of spokesman spokeswoman, spokesperson of the party in light of Françoise David's retirement.