Sunday, February 10, 2013

PQ's Magical Mystery Tour

"Roll up,
Roll up for the mystery tour.... Roll up!,
Roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away,
Hoping to take you away... take you away!!"

I have to say, if Pauline Marois is nothing else, she is predictable.
Her latest sovereignty 'push,' announced with much fanfare is actually just another cynical ploy dedicated to deceiving the weak of mind and the ideologically over-committed.

When one considers her actions, in light of her true motivations, which is to  retain power at all costs, it makes certain sense to engage in another silly round of loud sovereigntist chest-thumping.

Like jogging, where the object isn't to get anywhere, but rather to exercise, Pauline's sovereignty push is not really an effort to re-animate the moribund project of sovereignty, but rather to satisfy the militants who demand action.
As they say "busy hands are happy hands!"

And so Pauline hopes to tire them out in a useless bout of sovereigntist exercise.
Her new push should be nicknamed Sovereignty 5BX, a tiring stand in place, go nowhere program which uses up a lot of effort and doesn't cost a lot.

To dedicated sovereigntists, Pauline Marois' announcement that her PQ government  is undertaking a new and robust campaign to promote sovereignty is perhaps music to their years, but I'm not sure that they are entirely fooled, so naked is the deception.

To that end, they will be utilizing Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, a decidedly low-cost approach.
Let us consider that one television commercial on a top-rated French TV show can garner up to two million views while an internet infomercial promoting sovereignty will be hard pressed to hit 10,000 views and all of those views are likely to come from dedicated hardliners.

At any rate, Pauline has launched the campaign with a speech worthy of  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, cherry-picking a few facts to make the point that Quebec is done wrong by Canada.
Her argument is so glaringly infantile that only the delusional can swallow it.

Telling her minions that Quebec is being short-changed because the big ship-building contract was given to the Maritimes, she actually said that had Quebec gotten that same $20 billion money to invest, they wouldn't need equalization payments! Link{fr}
Think about that statement....
She is actually telling the audience that if Ottawa gives Quebec money, Quebec wouldn't need any money from Ottawa!
It makes as much sense as Robert Mugabe telling his followers that ;
“We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.” Link

I'm afraid that there are more of these type of pronouncements that we can expect, patent nonsense, this from our Premier who is fast becoming a Mugabesque buffoon.

How's about this Pauline gobbledygook about the bothersome subject of university and college tuition fees;
“For me, indexing means a freeze because indexing means that with the cost of living increasing from year to year, if we freeze without indexing, we reduce tuition fees,” Marois said. “We have to be clear on that.”
Marois said she wants “a balance,” to reduce student debt and make university more accessible.
In a tweet, ASSÉ, the Association pour la solidarité syndicale étudiante, which has called for free tuition, replied to the premier.
“The freeze on tuition fees its not indexing. Pauline Marois should open a dictionary!” Link
It would be funny if not so sad......