Sunday, November 11, 2012

Housekeeping Volume 8

Recently SPAM has reached an unbelievable level, with as many comments consigned to the SPAM folder as are legitimate comments.

BLOGGER has some pretty sophisticated algorithms to determine what is spam and what isn't but sometimes, legitimate comments are wrongly designated as SPAM.

Fishing out and publishing these comments means wading through dozens of cleverly worded advertisement that give the impression of being legitimate comments, that is until you scroll to the end of the comment where a website is being touted.

Here's a legitmate comment that explained some of the rationale BLOGGER uses to direct certain comments to the SPAM  folder.

"Hey Ed,

It sure has been nice, hasn't it?

But what makes me laugh is being ignored seems to have no effect - when seppies want to be heard they'll bang their heads into a wall, despite the result.

Anyhow, here's a little message for any and all separatists who showed even a glint of agreement with what's happened with the metro workers, the ambulance driver who was ready to let a little girl die over language and who thinks Nadeau-Dubois got an unfair shake:
If you end your comment with a website address, BLOGGER will send the comment to the SPAM  folder automatically.

So keep website addresses within the body of your comment and make sure there is some text after the address.