Monday, August 27, 2012

Thirty-five Years of Hate

This weekend brought on sadly foreboding feelings of imminent disaster, a chokingly uncomfortable presentment that we are about to revisit the bad old days, as polls, however flawed, showed the Pq is on the cusp of forming the next provincial government.

Reading through our comments section, it's easy to see that these feelings are not mine alone, they run deeply throughout our community and although we share a common dread, the suffering is borne by each of us on a very personal level.
The spectre of yet another government dedicated to the eradication of our community and the sense of betrayal and abandonment we feel by our federal government, a government which is supposed to protect the rights of all Canadians, makes the situation all the more unbearable.

As those in the Rest of Canada throw their hands up in frustration, telling Quebec in effect to separate if they wish, the one million or so English Canadians here are fed to the wolves, given up upon, as if we don't matter at all.
While Canadians were gung-ho to fight for freedom and justice in Afghanistan, here at home we Canadians appease separatists with the zeal of Neville Chamberlain and the backbone of Marshall Pétain.

Alas, that is our lot, if we are to survive here as a community, we will have to take some hard decisions soon. Nobody will defend us but ourselves.

The separatists are determined to enact more and more restrictive and discriminatory laws in the hope that we will fold our tents as in the past, pack up and quit our homes.

They could be right and then again, they just might be wrong, time will tell.

Whatever the future brings, it is clear that fighting for our community here under this separatist government will mean more than using political resistance, where we have been dispossessed.

The student movement showed us how a system can be brought to its knees with the mildest exercise of civil disobedience, but this discussion is premature, I shall shelve it to a time when it becomes appropriate.

Today, as we anglos and Ethnics wait for the shoe of renewed persecution to drop, ethnocentric haters celebrate the 35th anniversary of Bill 101, a law conceived in hate and dedicated to the principle that all men are created unequal.

The majority of Quebecers hold that Bill 101 is a necessary evil, a law needed to keep the English and Ethnic barbarians from breaching the gate and running riot over French language and culture.

They can be forgiven for thinking that they are in mortal danger, an unrelenting propaganda campaign has massaged this message and fed the lie for these last thirty-five years.

But there are those who take an absolute delight in Bill 101 and the concept of torturing those who are not like them, those who they believe, have no place among them.

Bill 101 is a law that was conceived and written by Camille Laurin, a man consumed by a visceral hatred of the English, a man as cunning and evil as Joesph Goebells, the author of the antisemitic campaign by the Nazis, seventy-five years ago.

Bill 101 sets out to promote and preserve the French language by restricting the rights of all to speak English.
It is like taking food off one plate and putting it on another, under the guise that one party is supposedly more deserving or hungry.

Bill 101 puts the onus and blame for whatever ills exist or which are perceived, in relation to the French language, squarely on the English and Ethnics.

Those wishing to preserve and promote French believe that forcing immigrants into the French stream is the answer.
They believe that restricting the English from expressing themselves publicly is the answer.
They are wrong.

Let me offer a simple solution that will guarantee not only the preservation, but even assure the dominance of the French language in Quebec.

Instead of telling Anglos and Ethnics to sacrifice, French Quebecers can do something to save their language and culture themselves.


If militants are so determined to save French, all that is required is to have more children.
If every second French Quebec woman would bear three children instead of  the current 1.7, there would be no problem.

There would be no need of immigrants at all and with the English population stable, VOILA! the French fact in Quebec would naturally rise.

So why is not one French militant calling for this rather neat and simple solution, one that would entirely eliminate the need for immigrants?


Readers, it has to do with sacrifice, something francophones are not willing to do to preserve their language and culture.
For them, it is far easier to ask others, the English and Ethnics to sacrifice for them.

To all you sanctimonious zealots celebrating the anniversary of Bill 101, understand it is a law that exists because you have failed to protect your language.

You haven't lifted a finger to help yourselves, it is like asking someone else to exercise for you or study and take your exams, all because you cannot be bothered.

Why should we Anglos and Ethnics be asked to sacrifice, when francophones are too lazy and disinterested to save their own culture and language?

To paraphrase the great American president John Kennedy, the credo by which French language militants live by is;

"Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what the English and Ethnics can do for you!"