La Francophoney-baloney....blah... blah...blah
"The French Language World Forum, going on until Friday in historic
Quebec City, is expected to draw more than 1,000 artists, speakers,
business people, youth and representatives from civil society.
and discussions will focus on four major themes: the economy, the
cultural industry, the place of French in the digital world and the
coexistence of languages." Read the storyAbdou Diouf, secretary general of the International Organization of La Francophonie told the audience that by 2050, French language speakers will rise from the 220 million speakers today, to over 700 million.
He then told the audience that French was nonetheless in mortal danger....Hmmmm?
I think he'd make a perfect Quebec politician, who are consummate experts at sucking and blowing at the same time!
Let me summarize the content of those meetings, for those of you not inclined to read the story.
Speaker #1- French is wonderful but threatened.
Speaker #2- English threatens the linguistic diversity of the world
Speaker #3- French is wonderful and English is evil
Speaker #4- Legislation is needed to promote French artists and culture and restrict English
Speaker #5- French usage is growing but needs defending.
Speaker #6- See speaker #1
Speaker #7- See speaker #2
Speaker #8- See speaker #3
Speaker #9- See speaker #4
Speaker #10-See speaker #5
Speaker 11-99......Rinse, repeat...
All together now !!!!!
English = DARTH VADER.......French = LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!!
All weekend long....yawn, snore...!
Thomas Mulcair treads lightly at separatist parade
It seems that Thomas Mulcair is showing a little bit more reserve and is avoiding being photographed hobnobbing around with separatists, now that he's become leader of the official opposition.Two years ago I re-published a picture of him marching alongside a gaggle of separatist big shots in the line of honour bringing up the rear of the parade. The picture was picked up by many blogs and there was plenty of internal fallout within the party for Mulcair and Layton at the time.
The next year (last year) Mulcair judiciously skipped the parade altogether, but made a return appearance this year, but avoided the "Blue Line of Honour" populated by ultra-separatists.
This year's 'Blue Line of Honour" included the usual suspects with the added presence of radical student leaders.
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Line of 'Honour' 2012 |
Marching ahead of the 'Line of Honour' was Thomas Mulcair, insulated
from the separatists by his personal posse of Amazon girls, à la
But still, Mulcair couldn't resist building alliances and was candidly caught sharing a comradely laugh with none other than his very good friend, ex-Parti-Quebecois Premier, Bernard Landry.
C'mon Uncle Thom, give him a big hug. You know you want to!
If you want to know why federal politicians stay away from the parade, it's because of its separatist political bent. For Mulcair and the Ndp, pandering to separatists is part of a strategy to whore themselves out for votes.
Thanks for your support "Uncle Thom!"
Journal de Quebec complains about an 'anglophone' billboard
The Journal de Quebec is hot and bothered over a billboard that recently popped up in Quebec City. A European watch company erected the billboard complete with its international catchphrase, "Big in Oversized Watches"The headline of the article about the billboard was a bit strange;
"100 % anglophone à Québec,"
I doubt that an inanimate object such as a billboard can actually be classified as anglophone!
When asked to translate the catchphrase into French, the company declined, telling a reporter that;
"TW Steel doesn't have this problem anywhere else. The same advertising slogan is used elsewhere in the world. It should be Canada that adapts."
It seems that the reporter squealed to the OQLF, which refused to offer an opinion, saying that it needs to study the file, something that typically takes up to six months.
Since the billboard is scheduled to be up for just two months, hardliners are plum out of luck.
I wonder what French language militants think of Volkswagen's catchphrase "DAS AUTO"?
Perhaps the OQLF will rule that it too is verboten!'s financial woes
It seems that a certain Vincent Chiara is causing much grief over at, suing them for defamation over a story presented on, which intimated if not directly, but indirectly, that the powerful Mr. Chiara was a mafiosi.The article in question was removed from the website, but that wasn't enough for Mr. Chiara who seems out to punish Bernard Frappier, the owner and editor of the website as well as the author of the article in question, Richard Le Hir.
Although the article was removed from, it lives on, proving again that when one publishes something on the internet, it's almost impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
Read the original article here. Les-Tentacules-de-la-mafia-2
Defending itself from the $500,000 lawsuit has proved painful, costing the website $15,000 to date and the fun hasn't really even started.
An anonymous donation of $20,000 has eased the pain, but the case could cost north of a $100,000 to defend, something that could cripple the website.
DO I FEEL bad for
Not one bit.
I'm all for free speech, including defending Mr. Frappier's right to advocate for the murderous Syrian regime and his right to attack Israel more often than the United Nations.
But it is his outright antisemitism, visceral hatred of Anglophones and as of late, articles denigrating Protestants, that has me cheering for Mr. Chiarra.
In the past I've written about the horribly antisemitic articles published on his website and today he continues to give a forum to hate.
His latest screed is so disgustingly racist that it disappeared from the website just a few days after being published, but I've tracked it down for you.
I told you, that when it comes to the internet, you can't erase your footprint.
In this article, the author tells readers that France, under newly elected president Francois Hollande, has fallen under the diabolical control of Protestant/Jewish interests.
The Jewish-Masonic* (*read-Protestant) power that be have taken over power in France
(Le pouvoir judéo-maçonnique a définitivement mis la main sur la France.)
What incredible drivel!
Israel supplying Libya with chemical weapons and in bed with Assad?
"...Bacteriological weapons were found during the Libyan war and the instructions for their use were in Hebrew, proving that Gaddafi had made a pact with Israel, this tiny precarious state, as if the Rothschilds, Soros, Golman Sach, JP Morgan, Koch brothers, Bernanke, Greenspan, Murdoch, Speilberg, etc.. would have no influence in the world.(*spelling errors are original-ed.)
Ah, then there's Mr. Assad of Syria, who is also in bed with Israel.
What incredible drivel!
Israel supplying Libya with chemical weapons and in bed with Assad?
Is Bernard Frappier really so ignorant that he believes the above can possibly be true, or is he knowingly publishing falsehoods in order to falsely tarnish the reputation of Israel and the Jewish people?
This is an ongoing campaign, with countless other articles slagging not only Israel, but Jews in general, still populating the website.
Read this, another odious article posted on, that depicts Jews as rats. LINK
For Mr. Frapper, I couldn't be happier that he's getting a taste of humble pie. I hope this lawsuit drains the life force out of and if not, at least delivers Mr. Frappier a certain dose of pain.
Mr. Racist, have a nice day...
Language hysteria dogs Habs
In all the years I've watched hockey, I don't think I've ever seen a sports commentator take this type of liberty with a player to his face.If I was the agent Montreal Canadiens first round draft pick, Alex Galchenyuk, I would straighten out this reporter pronto, telling him to keep his militant politics to himself, or face a future of no interviews.
By the way, completely off topic, but somewhat related is this interview with overall first draft pick Nail Yakupov who absolutely butchers the English language in this interview.
I suppose I shouldn't make fun, he's really trying, but is this what the above reporter wants from Galchenyuk? Watch the YouTube video.
Quebec finances re-opening of Asbestos mine
You'd have to forgive Albertans for shaking their heads in utter disbelief at the hypocrisy of the Quebec government, in slagging Alberta's oil sands as an environmental disaster, while loaning money to reopen an asbestos mine in Quebec."The news that the Jeffrey Mine will reopen may warm some hearts in the Eastern Townships. Nevertheless, the Quebec government’s decision to provide a $58-million loan to Canada’s last asbestos mine is a shameful thing." Read the rest of the story
Poll indicates that RoC indifferent to Quebec separation

“The edge has come off it,” said Darrell Bricker, chief executive of Ipsos Reid. “It’s not seen as a 21st century debate.”
The same poll indicates that despite all the talk of support for sovereignty growing in the face of the perceived anti-Quebec attitude by Stephen Harper, hard support remains at 31% of Quebecers.
When the undecided are factored in, support for independence stands at about 38%, not an encouraging number for separatists who have seen the numbers decline ever since the 1995 referendum.
Ontario court rules against Galgonov and friends in forced bilingual sign case
"Verdict just in from Ontario Court of Appeal concerning Galganov/Brisson vs Russell township's bilingual sign bylaw. The court ruled UNANIMOUSLY in favour of RUSSELL TOWNSHIP. 1. That the township had the right to pass this law, although language is supposed to be provincial, not municipal. 2. That even though the law INFRINGED ON THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE, there was reason to pass the law to promote/protect the French language. Howard Galganov and Jean-Serge Brisson have been fighting the 2008 Russell Township bylaw that enforces both French and English signage on businesses in the four small towns of the municipality." Read the rest of the storyTales of the RED SQUARE
Three girls walk into a Quebec city bar and are told they cannot enter unless they remove the red square they are wearing in support of the student strike against tuition hikes."No way!" they say, "We have the right to go in as is, and you cannot stop us!"
"Sorry, you're not crossing this line!" said the bouncer and with that, barred their entrance.
"Then we will complain to the Human rights commission, you've got no right to impede our movement!"
Anybody see the irony in this true story? Link{Fr}
In other student leader news, just in case Léo Bureau-Blouin, president of the somewhat less radical student association, the Fédération étudiante collégiale
du Québec (FECQ), expresses an interest in running for the PQ in the
next provincial election in Trois-Rivières, he needn't bother apply.The local riding association has announced that he wouldn't be a 'good fit' Link{fr}
Newly-elected student leader of the radical CL(ASSÉ) student association, Camille Robert,
found out pretty early in her tenure as president, that politics is a
rough sport and that amateurs can get eaten up rather quickly.Responding to a charge by noted Quebec journalist Éric Duhaime that she's an ex-communist and extremely radical, she offered the following Twitter response;
"Contrary to what Éric Duhaime says, I never was a communist, Don't believe what you read in hateful and dishonest blogs"
Unfortunately for her, the evidence to the contrary was gathered rather quickly, the internet being what it is, and she was outed as a liar.
In her own statement promoting her candidacy for president, she proudly admitted to working for the Union Communiste Libertaire.
To read the complete story{Fr} and to see the documents that prove the opposite of what she says, go over HERE
Political expediency wins out again as Pauline
Marois, sensing that she'll be supporting a losing position in the next
provincial election by supporting the students, did a quick about face, dumping the little red square.
"A decision by Pauline Marois to quit wearing the red square symbol
of the student protest movement was met with a shrug at the nightly
anti-tuition increase demonstration in Montreal Wednesday night.
Some marchers who sported the small felt square on their clothes felt
that the Parti Quebecois leader had embraced the symbol out of
political expediency and was shelving it for the same reasons.
"It doesn't surprise me that Pauline Marois decided to stop wearing
the red square because it wasn't real support for the students," said
Francis Piche, a junior college student. "The only reason she was
opposing the tuition fee increase was because the Liberals were doing it
but a Pequiste government wanted to do it too." Link
By the way, with the folding of 'Le Voir," Josée Legault, the separatist journalist, is out of a job with no prospects, so far.
Does she still write for the Montreal Gazette?
I remain an adament defender of free speech and don't take any particular pleasure in her departure.
She was a fine example of separatist opinion...vapid and unrealistic.
A faux intellectual, like her confrére Jean-François Lisée who in a recent interview proposes that citizens who can't speak French, shouldn't be allowed to vote in Quebec....
Watch the whole tedious interview or skip to 13:25 of the video, to watch his intemperate remark.
By the way, Mr. Lisée is returning to politics and will present himself in the next provincial election, in the shoe-in seat of Rosemont.
Louise Beaudoin, the previous holder of the seat has judiciously decided to retire after her failed putsch against Marois.
It's like changing four quarters for a Loonie....
As we head into one of the rare glorious Canadian summer weekends, let me finish on a humorous note.
Question...What is it in our human nature that makes us laugh when someone trips?
Watch THIS VIDEO and then come back and tell me you didn't laugh, or at least chuckle.
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What makes English so hard to learn?
Have a great weekend!!
MONDAY- Should English Canada subsidize Separatist Radio Canada?