I'm not going to get into a long well-thought out post, I'm supposed to be on vacation and so offer this quickie to allow for reader reactions.
Language bureaucrats take aim at appliance wording
"Quebec’s language bureaucrats are taking aim at appliances.
The Office de la Langue Francaise said that about 1,100 of the 7,600
complaints it received last year focused on the language of words
printed on appliances.
Only about 20 percent of appliances sold in Quebec are souped up with French texts, according to the agency.
The government will ask appliance manufacturers to include French words on their machines." " Read more:Personally, I'd suggest providing each appliance with a sheet of Peel'n Stick French labels, but I'm not sure this will satisfy the OQLF.
Producing and replacing the instruction panel has some related costs to it and it begs several questions.
Question Number 1
Will those appliances that have additional French labeling cost more than the English counterparts sold in Ontario?
Question Number 2
Should all appliances sold across Canada be bilingual, even if it means an increase in costs?
Question Number 3
If the French labeling rules apply only to Quebec product, should Quebecers bear the cost or should the cost of bilingual labeling be borne by all Canadians?
In other words should the bilingual appliances and the English appliances sold in the rest of Canada be sold at the same, slightly higher price.
Question Number 4
If bilingual Quebec appliances cost more than those sold in Ontario, will the government ban retailers from shipping English only product into Quebec, even to anglophones.
Remember my blog piece- Buzz Lightyear?
Question Number 5
How come the car companies, the BIGGEST OFFENDERS aren't included in this new initiative by the Quebec government.
Question Number 6
How desperate is the Quebec Liberal government and to what lengths will it go to prove its bone fides in the language debate?
Come to think of it, if they apply the rules of Bill 101 to cegep, won't they MATCH PERFECTLY the Parti Quebecois language policy.
...just asking.