Montreal weather for the next few days is sunny+ 30°, so it's a crime not to take advantage.
I know I promised a rebuttal piece on signage in downtown Montreal, but I've decided that it needs a lot more research and so I'll be pounding the downtown pavement over the next little while, preparing an exhaustive study which I believe will be more honest and instructive than that of the OQLF.
Whenever I go off for a bit of a blog vacation, I like to leave on a positive note, so don't expect any serious bitching and moaning today, rather the opposite.
I'll leave with a bunch of observations not necessarily good or bad, but typically Montreal, which is to say wacky and unbelievable...
How about those students going to court to try and overturn Law 78, which places restrictions on demonstrators and holds student unions financially responsible.It reminds me of the old joke where a man who murders his parents asks the sentencing judge for clemency, considering that he is now an orphan!
Students and their associations have spit on the law, inflicting mayhem and disorder, treating the public to a sad demonstration of selfish self-indulgence.
They have displayed an utter disdain for the law, ignoring dozens of injunctions, but now are running to court to have the law come to their aid. How hypocritical!
The icing on the cake is that in part of their pleading to the court, they refer to their constitutional rights included in the Canadian constitution, a constitution that every one them would argue otherwise, doesn't not apply to Quebec because the province never signed on. Ha!!
How sweet is it to see anarchists complaining that the police aren't playing fair, by 'socially profiling' them ahead of last weekend's Grand Prix.It seems police subjected certain people to selective searches according to their dress, demeanor and whether they were wearing a red square, symbol of the student protest.
Despite the complaints, the police did mange to intercept a few people carrying weapons and assorted items to be potentially used in disturbing the Grand Prix. In fact nothing got through. Bravo. Link
Perpetual whiner and scoflaw himself, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, the ex-leader of the most militant student association, whined like a little girl at the unfairness of it all.
After all, if police don't play by the rules, how's an anarchist supposed to plan ahead? Read more
Here's picture proof that the Montreal police were stretched to the limits last weekend. The cop in the picture on the right is gently directing a protester away. What's strange?
Check out the bars on his shoulders and the 'scrambled eggs' on the hat. I bet he hasn't been out on street patrol in ten years!
After being badly outplayed by protesters for the first few months, police have bounced back and retaken the offensive as best demonstrated by their interventions during Grand Prix week.
The arrest of Yalda Machouf-Khadir early in the morning sent a signal that its going to go rough for anarchists.
Police actually stopped a car in the middle of the highway to arrest a man they'd been looking for in relation to anarchist activities.
The car was taking the hapless dude to his sister's funeral.
Did the police care.. Nope, they probably had a good laugh about it.
As I said, it's getting rough.
Dany Villanueva
Ever since the incident where Dany's younger brother Fredy, died in a confrontation with police, Dany has been a target of police as payback for the trouble and embarrassment he and his family has put them through.Dany is not exactly a mastermind or evil genius, just your average low-life criminal and not particularly bright.
His criminal career has finally got him a deportation order back to his native Honduras, thanks to a loophole wherein Dany never became a Canadian citizen. BIG MISTAKE!!
While he remains in Canada while his case is endlessly appealed, cops have a special place in their hearts for Dany and keep a sharp eye out for him.
The latest chapter in the Dany Villanueva saga is particularly amusing.
Sharp-eyed cops saw Dany loitering with a group of fellow scumbags and rousted them as is their SOP (standard operating procedure.)
Dany gave a false name to police when asked to identify himself, apparently a crime, and so it led to a search which produced some cannabis. Read about his exploits
Poor Dany...
Did he really believe that there's a cop in the city that doesn't have his face imprinted on their brain?
I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some sort of bounty paid to any cop arresting the unfortunate boob.
According to Dany's lawyer, a publicity hound named Stéphane Handfield, the arrest shouldn't affect his appeal because he had been told that an acquittal in another case wouldn't affect his deportation appeal either.
Does that make any sense? Probably...
Of course he was rushed before a judge for breaking bail conditions and was promptly released on $500 bail.
Does that make any sense? Probably not...
Paybacks a bitch
I was glad to see my friend Jacques Duchesneau deliver some well deserved payback, having been treated ever so shabbily by his employer (the government) and the media. LinkIn testimony before the Charbonneau Commission he unloaded on Sam Hadad, the Transport Minister who he accused of being disinterested in his investigation as soon as Jacques informed him that it was moving in a political direction.
Duchesneau was fired, but not before leaking his report to to the Press!
Read my blog piece: The Assassination of Jacques Duchesneau
No election soon
Contrary to what the newspapers have been telling you over and over again about a Spring and now Fall election, it isn't going to happen and I've told you why over and over again.Jean Charest cannot hold his own riding, the polling numbers aren't there. He only won the riding by a narrow margin in both the last two elections and things have gone downhill from there.
With his popularity in the toilet, it would be personal suicide to call an election this year.
If his numbers don't improve, he'll probably resign in the spring to save himself the embarrassment of losing his own seat.
On the other hand, things may improve, you never know, this is Quebec.
At any rate you heard it here before and I'm repeating it now. No election this year....
Canada's worst teacher
You got to laugh or cry at the abysmal judgment displayed by a high school teacher that showed the murder and dismemberment video on Lin Jun to his high school class.How bad was his judgment?
It made the Drudge Report, where only the weirdest and wackiest stories make the grade. Link
Whatever happened to firing idiots and thieves on the spot?
Of course, that can't happen with a government job, where unions rule the roost.
The teacher has been suspended WITH PAY, until a hearing determining what the final outcome of his case.
I repeat.....with pay!
I spoke too soon, the teacher has been fired.....LINK
Finally, some good economic news
Quebec received some good economic news with unemployment falling to 7.8%, the same rate as Ontario's. Link
The Quebec engineering firm, Genivar is mounting a massive takeover of a rival, three times as big as itself with the backing of the Caisse de dépôt.
Finally something positive from the Caisse, investing in Quebec companies on the move.
Private jet company NetJets Inc. signed a deal Monday to buy up to 275 Bombardier Challenger business jets that could be worth up to US$7.3 billion. There are 100 firm orders and options on 175 more. Read more
See not all the news is bad!
I'm off until Monday, July 2 but will moderating comments all the while. Please continue to email me with story ideas. See you all soon!