Now before I generate a mountain of comments suggesting that all are welcome to celebrate, there is a proviso to that invitation that is a deal-breaker for we infidels.
We are all invited to celebrate the 'national' holiday as long as we do not express ourselves in our native tongue.
Sorry... it's a deal-breaker.
Yup, No thanks....
We prefer to believe in freedom of speech and freedom of artistic expression. And so while Francophones enjoy second rate talent rammed down their throats by language police, world class talent like Arcade Fire, are forced to sit idly by. I guess if you drink enough, which is de rigueur on this holiday, even Barney the Dinosaur can sound like Bono.
Here's my suggestions on how to spend a sunny day off that falls on June 24th.
5. Backyard BBQ with friends and family
4. Golf, baseball or tennis or cycling.
3. Road trip to Ontario or New York State.
2. Parc Safari for the kids or grand kids.
1. Picnic in a West Island park.
If it's raining;
5. Clean the garage
4. Indian casino
3. Go to a movie
2. Getting blitzed at an Irish pub
1. Read a good book
Readers, any suggestions?
Have a happy