The story which broke over the weekend and is now rapidly spreading across the web is going to humiliate Quebeckers big time.
Bullying is bulling and as headlines go, you can't get one much worse than this.
"St. Jean festivities: anglos not welcome"
The story is just too good to pass up and there's no putting this genie back in the bottle. I can't wait for the political cartoons.Quebeckers are keenly aware and protective of their collective image as a progressive, liberal and open society. Regardless of political affiliation, they recognize bad P.R when they see it.
Even over at PQ headquarters, there must be some serious moaning and groaning. What will Pauline say? If ever there was a no win situation this is it.
The interviewer, Simon Durivage then challenges Mr. Beaulieu that the committee is really independent as they share the same address as the Saint Jean Baptiste society.
"Aren't you one and the same?" "You didn't have to phone them, just walk over to an adjacent office!"
"Yes we are close" Mr. Beaulieu finally admits.
Another beaut- "They should sing in Westmount.' Ha Ha Ha.....
Nobody but the most rabid of language zealots will defend Mr. Bealieu, but it will be interesting to see who does and how the SSJB will handle the coming flak.
Does the nationalist/sovereignty movement benefit from it's asociation with this ethnocentric collection of yahoos. Not any more.
Is it time for the government to break off official ties. Yes
Who benefits from this nasty gaff-Premier Jean Charest and the Liberals who are going to make intolerence the theme of the week.
Who else;
The Anglo performers- Bloodshot Bill and the group Lake of Stew, who'll be fielding more offers they can handle;