Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Canadiens Fans Take Note; Never Date Within the Division

Found this funny Bruins commercial and thought Habs fans might like it.

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PETA Loses Credibility in Canada

On PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) web site, today's front page calls for a boycott of Canadian maple syrup as a pressure tactic to get Canada to ban the slaughter of seal pups.

Peta pulls a lot of stunts to advance their agenda, but this campaign is clearly stupid.

I can't think of a more ill-conceived idea, one that will bring the organization into disrepute and hamper their legitimate advocacy efforts on behalf of animals in Canada.

Calling for a boycott against an industry that has zero to do with the seal hunt is disingenuous, stupid and cruel.

Their reasoning, that the maple syrup industry is vital to Canada is so childishly wrong, that it can only further damage their credibility.

Maple syrup, a tiny cottage industry, is such a small part of the Canadian economy that any boycott will be sadly ineffective.
Secondly, maple syrup is in such high world-wide demand that the price has almost doubled in the last year. There is more demand then product.
Talk about picking your fights.

Good luck, PETA. You've lost me and countless other Canadians supporters because;
  1. You've decide that it's OK to punish an industry of family owned business' for a transgression committed by others.
  2. You've clearly no clue as to the ineffectiveness of your actions, which indicates a lack of maturity and professionalism.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Quebec Red Light Cameras Vulnerable to Vandalism

I came across the red light radar installation on the Decarie Blvd. service road at Paré St. and was struck by how vulnerable the camera is to vandalism.

I don't know if this installation is representative of other Quebec red light cameras, but I'd assume so.

I always thought that the cameras were placed up high on light standards as I'd seen in other cities (like in the picture on the left.)

At any rate, the cameras seem completely vulnerable and it probably won't be long before they are 'tagged' or smashed and end up looking like the camera pictured on the right.

It won't take anything more than a good squirt of silly string to put the thing out of commission.

Given Montreal's reputation for respecting police property, it won't be long before we get reports that the the cameras are being knocked out.

Look for this sign, if you want to avoid getting a surprise in the mail.
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Canadian Navy Dissed

CBS TV new's reporter Sheila MacVicar filed a story on Friday about global efforts to clamp down on pirates in the Arabian Gulf.
"Japanese, American, French - this is an enormous international effort aimed at thwarting piracy."
She mentioned how American, Italian, Chinese and French ships were cooperating to fight piracy and recounted the story of how an American ship and an Italian helicopter thwarted an attempted kidnapping.

While she was narrating, video was shown of what appeared to be the war ship and it's crew, in action against the pirates, as well as an armed raiding party in a small boat, confronting the pirates directly.

Everything about the video struck me as odd. Very odd.

The ship, the crew, the helicopter and the boarding party were clearly Canadian, I instantly recognized the distinctive blue shirts of the seamen.
The actions depicted on film were completely unrelated to the story, but that's not the impression that the story gave.

In fact MacVicar who was born in Montreal and graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, never mentioned the word Canada in her story at all, when it was clear that she was embedded on a Canadian ship.

At the end of the story, she finally mentioned that she was aboard the HMCS Winnipeg, but again failed to mention that it was a Canadian ship. Few people, even Canadians know that HMCS stands for 'Her Majesty's Canadian Ship'

How strange to omit mentioning the Canadian Navy in the story, considering that she was their guest?
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hockey Not So Live On NBC

I was watching the NBC coverage of the Wings/Penguins finals just to get a different perspective from RDS or the CBC. Sometimes I put both feeds on the split screen and judge the camera work and picture quality.

Yesterday, I encountered a weird problem, the NBC feed was six seconds behind the CBC feed and was actually being broadcast on a slight tape delay, at least on Bell Expressvu. The whole third period (at least) was broadcast this way.

I've seen this happen once before when comparing a RDS feed with that if the CBC in a Habs/Leafs game. The CBC feed was up to 12 seconds behind RDS, but it happened because the CBC was late getting back from a commercial and they caught up at the next commercial break.

At any rate, the picture quality (on my TV) was decidedly better on the NBC side and the camera work a little crisper with quick angle changes, especially in the corners.
There was a time, years ago when FOX broadcast the games rather amateurishly and even added a glowing puck. NBC coverage was definitely as good or better than the CBC.

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