
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Quebec's Language Furor Masks a Deep Ugly Truth

"Panem et Circenses" (Bread and Circuses) extravagant entertainment, offered as an expedient means of pacifying discontent or diverting attention."

The raging language furor over the so-called fragile state of the French language in Quebec dominates the media and is monopolizing political debate conveniently crowding out issues that need to be debated and are fundamental to Quebec's well-being.
Premier Legault and his evil minions continually hammer away at the subject, reminding 'real' Quebecers at every opportunity that they are in the gravest of danger at the hands of an evil barbaric horde of Anglos and Allophones who dangerously breached the gates of fortress francophonia.

Like the Russian media that parrots Putin's mad fantasies about Ukrainian Nazis, so too does Quebec media parrot the fantasy that Quebecois du souche will soon be drinking tea and toasting the Governor-General speaking in the very best Queen's English, whilst their beloved French language and heritage is long-forgotten, consigned to the ash-heap of history, mercilessly drowned in the anglicizing sauce imposed by the overpowering English monolith.

The expression "Panem and Circenses" was coined to denounce the unwillingness of the citizens of Rome to act against their incompetent leaders. The idea was that as long as the distracted population was entertained and had enough to eat, the powerful could do what they wanted.

And so the language debate is a convenient distraction, one that papers over the deeper and more sinister malaise that shrouds the province in collective dysfunction.

Quebec is a province run by pencil-head politicians and a bloated cadre of bureaucratic idiots who overspend, over-govern, over-regulate, under-perform and under-deliver on just about every level.
The truly sad state of an under-performing society is ignored by the media obsessed with language and language alone.
Yes, other provinces have their own faults and problems and managerial messes, but none rise to the level of dysfunction, laziness, incompetence, mean-spirited and financial mismanagement that is Quebec.

Today the news cycle is filled with two stories that just about sum up the problems of Quebec.

A married couple, both emergency room doctors have decided to call it quits and move to Ontario to continue being doctors because life in Quebec is just so much harder.

"I love Montreal. It's the city I grew up in, and to leave it again for the second time, it's disappointing," Stasiak said.

They are leaving at a time when the Quebec health-care system has been heavily criticized for being fragile.

Montreal alone is short 18,399 health-care workers, according to the government's July 4 health-care system dashboard.

But after all their agonizing, it became clear to the doctors that compared to the hospital system they remember in Toronto, Montreal's working conditions, which they consider to be tough and inflexible, are incompatible with raising a healthy family. They say those conditions are a natural consequence of government rules limiting hiring.

And if they still had doubts about the move, Quebec's new language law, commonly known as Bill 96, sealed the deal for them. Link

 The second sad story is infuriating because not one politician had the guts to answer questions or apologize for the utter failure of Quebec's incompetent and understaffed paramedic service.

A 91-year-old Montreal woman died over the weekend after waiting seven hours for an ambulance and her family is now blaming ongoing staffing shortages within paramedic services.
On Saturday evening, Therese Pardiac injured her leg after a fall and when she couldn’t stand her family called for an ambulance.
Urgences-Santé said Pardiac’s call was re-evaluated multiple times and was considered low priority on each occasion. 
But by the time it arrived, seven hours later, Pardiac had passed away
On average, Urgences-Santé is short-staffed by around 30 per cent every night 
due in part to a lack of new recruits and workers absent due to COVID-19..... Read more

This crisis is not new, La Presse reported on the shortage back in February. On some nights Montreal is served by half the necessary units meaning that response time is absurdly long.
Now the part about a lack of recruits is interesting because La Presse also reports that many qualified candidates are being routinely rejected without explanation.

"We regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted", reads a laconic email received in May by Ahmed, the fictitious first name of an ambulance driver who worked for more than 20 years in the region of Laurentians—Lanaudière. Like all the other rejected paramedics who spoke to La Presse for this article, Ahmed requested anonymity so as not to harm his career.“I did the whole process, then I was refused without giving me any explanation,” he says indignantly. A process that spans several weeks and includes two interviews, psychometric tests, a medical examination and a drug test.
"I have no feedback from human resources after multiple attempts by email, by phone, I have no response from them as to why I was not selected," he continues, discouraged.

“There are no details of the reason,” confirms Urgences-santé spokesperson Benoit Garneau. “They have to work through all the things they have to do with the process,” he says, adding that candidates are welcome to reapply within a year . I don't understand how they can't even give at least one reason for the paramedic to improve, correct their shortcomings...
 And Ahmed is not the only one in this situation. La Presse spoke with three experienced paramedics and a new graduate who were refused a position at Urgences-santé without receiving an explanation. However, Urgences-santé regularly lacks personnel to fill all its shifts, and the situation is particularly acute at night and on weekends. During a weekend at the end of May, La Presse reported that more than half of the scheduled ambulances were missing due to a lack of available employees. The fact that it is so understaffed at night may force Urgences-santé to prioritize urgent calls at the expense of those for whom there does not appear to be an imminent danger to life. 
And this weekend again, almost all shifts will be marked by absences. During the night from Sunday to Monday, no less than 38 paramedics will be missing out of the 98 who should be on duty, according to Mr. Garneau, a situation representative of the last few weeks."Our goal this year is to hire more than 100 paramedics, but I don't think that will be achievable because there is a shortage of people coming out of school,"

Now I don't want to ascribe motives to the writer of the article but in choosing an Arabic-sounding pseudonym for the rejected paramedic candidate is he in fact trying to pass on a message about hiring discrimination?
And so it's easier to let people die waiting for an ambulance because in Quebec nobody will put up much of a stink anyways. The public's lack of concern or forgiving nature is staggering to behold or understand.

Perhaps Urgences-Santé might consider lowering their standards in the face of a crisis, perhaps taking an example from the Russian army in accepting any and all recruits including those cursed ethnics in the face of staggering manpower shortages.
Considering that Quebec paramedics don't offer much advanced medical care on the scene as in other jurisdictions, (the service is disparagingly categorized as a 'scoop and run') how much training is actually required?

This tragic mess is unsurprising in Quebec, where a higher level of failure and dysfunction is to be expected and endured without complaint or consequence. In Quebec, like in ancient Rome, the public has become inured to failure and mediocrity and as long as there is enough to eat and language controversy to distract, life goes on.

60 years ago I was playing street hockey on La Peltrie street in the Snowdon district of Montreal when an unfortunate miscue caused one of the lads to fall and break his leg. With no cell phones, we knocked on the nearest door and the homeowner called the police who managed the ambulance service in that era.
In less than four minutes a police ambulance screeched onto the scene and scooped the injured boy, padding him off to the hospital with sirens blaring.
The cops came back an hour later and told those of us still sitting around nervously that the boy was being treated and having a cast placed on his leg at this very moment. The two cops then presented us with a giant box of fries to assuage our concern.
Have we really made progress since then? 

Like most senior folks, who grew up poor by today's standards, the vast majority of us actually had a family doctor who even made some house calls when necessary.
When my bicycle was stolen back then in the sixties, a detective actually came to my house to take the report.
Progress over the decades in Quebec is not exactly something to brag about as our politicians would lead us to believe and while technology and modernization have made us all richer as the standard of living has risen dramatically, the fact is that the government's performance has deteriorated exponentially.

Hows many hours is the wait today in the emergency room to get stitches or to set a broken bone
compared to pre-Medicare times?
How many weeks or months is the wait for elective or 'non-urgent' surgery compared to the past.
How long a wait is it for an ambulance?
On and on it goes....
The Department of child welfare claims to be too understaffed' to take action when children are abused with sometimes tragic results. Then there is the complaint that 20% of Quebecers cannot find a family doctor. This is in consideration that Quebec has on average more doctors than the national average.

Though the national average is 230 doctors per 100,000 residents, Quebec boasts 243 for the same number of people 
Theoretically, we should have easier access to doctors,” Dr. Charles Bernard, president and CEO of the Collège des médecins du Québec, told The Canadian Press. “I think there’s an organization aspect,” Link
Today bureaucracy, wasteful spending, and under-performance underpin everything that the government touches.
I read an article about how Quebec's vaunted immigration department is so dysfunctional that french-speaking immigrants are opting to go to Ontario because of the months and years of delay. One fellow from France was refused a visa because he failed a French test, the only language he spoke.
Absurd? This is Quebec.
As for the political and public service, let me offer but one tiny example of how bloated Quebec has evolved in relation to public spending. 
The city of New York with a population of 8.4 million is represented by 51 members of the city council while that of Montreal with a population of 1.5 million is composed of 64 city councillors, which represents six times larger representation.

This bloat and dysfunction are really only half the story, after all the government is just a reflection of the society it represents.

And Quebec society, its people can shoulder much of the blame for what ails Quebec.

Quebec nationalist elite scoff at Canadian society, from the Premier's wife who disparaged Canadian culture to every nationalist journalist that describes Quebec societal values as kinder and gentler.
This fantasy is utterly false and sadly absurd. Statistics and facts bear out the opposite.

Quebecers work less than the rest of Canadians
The United States averaged 38.7 hours per week, per job, followed by 37.5 hours in Alberta, 36 in Ontario and 35.5 in British Columbia, while Quebec stands last at 35.1 hours.
Defenders will say that working less is a societal choice and it might well be, but Canadians in other provinces who do work longer hours contribute around 10 billion dollars annually to Quebec's budget through the moronically indulgent equalization program.
It's like your layabout brother-in-law telling you that he's making a lifestyle choice of working less while demanding that you augment his income.

As for generosity, Quebecers are notoriously tight-fisted and miserly with charitable hours volunteered, coming in last in both categories compared to other provinces.

Average annual volunteer hours by Canadians 

Average charitable donations made by Canadians

Quebec loves to boast that it is different from the rest of North America and goes to lengths to prove the point.
Its universal junior college system known as CEGEP replaces grade 12 and the first year of university with a burdensome extra layer which seems to fulfill no useful purpose. Like a country with a different train track gauge, trains must stop at the border.
It seems that the only function CEGEP fulfills is to keep Quebec students from attending post-secondary education outside the province because high school graduates are missing a year.
In response to Bill 96 and the proposed reduction in admissibility to English CEGEPs, some private high schools decided to offer a grade 12 in order that their students be equipped to seamlessly pursue an English education outside Quebec.
On hearing the proposal, the Quebec government went apeshit and immediately proposed banning any such program lest students find an easier avenue to leave Quebec.

Even Quebec's vaunted subsidized daycare system is so expensive that the service can only be offered to a portion of the population, creating a two and three-tiered system, something that Quebec is dedicated to fighting in the healthcare industry.
And then there's systemic corruption and discrimination that permeates Quebec society, worthy of an entirely different blog post.

Quebec salaries lag behind the Canadian average while being subject to the highest taxation rate in North America, further diminishing spending power. 

Still, nobody complains. 
Prisoners of language, Quebecers accept their lot, buying the nonsense that they are different, persecuted because of language and their supposed higher communal values and morals.
It is nonsense that politicians and nationalists pander in order to keep the masses from complaining.

And so Quebec is mired in mediocrity and dysfunction but as long as there's enough to eat and the English to bash, all is well.


  1. I guess my following this blog has become tantamount to fans of pro wrestling who love to hate the heels of the industry (it's not a sport). Quebec hasn't become pitiful, it always has been, but it's just that in the last 4-5 decades, it has, for all intents and purposes, plunged into an abyss. .It would take at least 50 years to climb out of it, if it ever does at all!

    What is truly pitiful, as mentioned previously and in different words from the editor, is everybody in Quebec is complacent sitting on their hands with their thumbs up their rectum. The majority are lazy complacent asses to whom work is a dirty word and when that proverbial "five o'clock whistle" blows, it's phones down, computers off, desks locked (all done just before the "whistle" blows) and a run to the exit. The only reason Quebec still "floats" vs say, Greece, is because of the equalization payments us real Canadians outside Quebec contribute to their "underfunded" trough.

    Yes, I mention Greece. They were the fat cats of the EU, to the point they were on the cusp of being thrown off the Euro, and their economy tanked. Why not? In Greece, the average retirement age was 52. In Germany, it was 67. Despite German atrocities of the distant past, I was understanding of why the Germans became resentful of the Greeks. Their population is barely ¼ the population of Canada, and their Olympic competitions of 1996 left them $12 billion in the hole. Look at how Quebec had to take 30 years to pay its measly one billion dollar deficit from their competitions 20 years before that!

    Quebec is far more fortunate. They have the rest of us outside Quebec to support them, and the current prime minister will do zero to change that. If John James Charest (no longer "Goldilocks", now more like "Silver Curls") becomes Conservative leader after already alienating selected real Canadians in Quebec (read minorities, especially Anglophones), he'll leave bad enough alone as well. JJ Charest was milked of his political capital ages ago, so voting for him is voting for a dairy cow who can't produce milk, i.e., useless! Sadly, that's what Quebec goes for!

    One of two things, or both, have to take place before there will be change in Quebec:
    1. Minorities work on partitioning Quebec. Let the West Island, if not the entire Island of Montreal, separate from Quebec. Get the constituencies of Vaudreuil and Soulange on board to form a connection to Ontario. If not, an easement to connect Ontario to the Maritimes should be formed, and I'm sure Rupertland and First Nation people will make a case for this, not to mention their land being left alone else a state of war will exist.

    I'd say a state of war would be necessary to partition Quebec, but with those lazy, lackadaisical Québécois de vieille souche, they won't fight, or if they form a military establishment (too broke to do so, really), the first thing they'll need to do is form grievance committees to keep the officers from pushing the non-coms around! When the "five o'clock" cannon goes off, they'll want to go home and not come back at 9 AM the next day. Oh, yes, and weekends, June 24th and other stat holidays (including federal holidays) must be kept clear for competitive beer-guzzling and belching competitions. What boors!

    Go ahead, minorities, continue to sit around with your collective thumbs up your collective rectums. You'll endlessly complain and endlessly nothing, BUT NOTHING, will change.

    1. The reason that minorities are "complacent"--as you say--is simply because North America is an extremely mobile society. Many members of the minority community or anglophones will just pickup and leave if they feel the linguistic situation Quebec is getting too tense. Why the hell should they bother to fight the language cops or hope for a partition movement when they could just drive an hour away and live in freedom? lol. Especially with the post-covid wfh arrangements, people will have even less incentive to stay in such a restrictive jurisdiction like Quebec.

      The only way this charade will finally end once and for all is when the federal government will grow a pair and give Quebec an ultimatum but it has to be on the federal govt's terms. I think that Quebec has every right to make sure that immigrants assimilate to the majority culture, but the feds need to make it clear that they cannot do so at the cost of anglophone institutions. But until then, we're all stuck in this dog and pony show and I say "we" because the rest of Canada has to pay for Quebec's foolishness by way of equalization payments.

    2. Anon: I left as easily as you portrayed above. I used to think for decades that anyone who chose to stay got what they deserved. In more recent times, I've shied away from that. Those who chose to stay like Montreal enough to stay, and why shouldn't they? It's as much their city as anyone else's, and I suppose they learned at least enough French to get by.

      Some moved away and returned, probably because they like Montreal life and/or exceedingly missed family and/or friends who stayed behind. I guess my cohort is getting "too old" to fight. Older ones, like my parents, were too planted and committed and moving would have caused them to start over and probably not recover what they lost by moving away.

      On the plus side, many of the children in my cohort have received French immersion schooling that will better prepare them for the Joual speaking environment, but the government has fixed it so Anglophones and other minorities will have a far more difficult time succeeding economically. This is where and why I think the minorities have to fight and fight hard. If there is no collective will by the minorities to fight, and street demonstrations won't cut it anymore, the racist bills like 21 and 96 are just the beginning.

      As for lenoir's comments below, calling them Nazis will, and has just made them laugh. Nevertheless, in a crude way, lenoir's comments have merit, but it reads like the sky is blue and the grass green, so what's your point?

  2. quebec, i believe, can only be understood in terms of abnormal psychology. they are a very rare collective, a tribe, of psychopaths of the cluster b variety. narcissistic, borderline, histrionic etc the dark triad of psychopathology. malevolent and malignant. and deliberately inbred to be so. from their jesuit masters, feudal overlords to their present day nazis elites. the grandiose fantasy of being "french" therefore entitled to unique "special" status. regardless that a simple dna test would prove they are no more french than i am, cant speak the language and their so-called culture is best described as typical trailer park trashy americana. their false selves, fragmented and lost. no land, no country, no language, no culture. only the enduring hatred of the colonialist anglo unites them. an enemy that does not even exist cept in their sick lil minds.

  3. Time to answer aspects of this editorial: Part One

    1.< "Quebec salaries lag behind the Canadian average while being subject to the highest taxation rate in North America, further diminishing spending power.

    Naturally! A fortune is being wasted on a gigantic language bureaucracy that does nothing but cost taxpayers a fortune. It also creates expensive jobs that the majority has to pay and the lucky few who get those jobs. Quebec can only afford the heavily subsidized daycare program thanks to equalization payments the real Canada is paying for while Quebec alienates its real Canadians who live in Quebec. Why the other provinces tolerate it is beyond me. Then again, the Atlantics and Manitoba benefit from that program as well, but at least they're real Canadians.

    Too, Quebec's economic pie has been shrinking, especially when Bill 101 was legislated 45 years ago, but even before that. A plenitude of head office jobs disappeared and Montreal is a composite of regional offices. Reed Scowen, author of Time to say Goodbye and a former MNA for nine years during the Ryan/Bourassa era, noted how the economic pie in Quebec has been shrinking compared to elsewhere, and worse yet, the Quebec Government has been making efforts to ensure their majority of numpties get the biggest pieces of the shrinking pie. Proof? Look how Anglophones are doing economically compared to their Francophone counterparts.

    3."It is nonsense that politicians and nationalists pander in order to keep the masses from complaining." is and it isn't. As long as a scapegoat can be found andberated for their supposed and ill-conceived shortcomings, it's the pacifier that keeps the baby from crying uncontrollably. The minorities, especially Anglophones, fit the bill perfectly!

    1.< In response to Bill 96 and the proposed reduction in admissibility to English CEGEPs, some private high schools decided to offer a grade 12 in order that their students be equipped to seamlessly pursue an English education outside Quebec.

    That's an absolutely BRILLIANT means of circumvention! Betcha the cochons fasciste didn't see that one coming! I hope they come up with a plan like this in the English public schools, even if it has to be paid for privately. The potential income that can be earned by saving a year's schooling should offset the private costs

  4. Part Two

    It's been a tough week, I guess. I put my comments above in disorder, changed Comment 2 to #3 and didn't proudly identify myself, but I think it's still easy to follow. In keeping with the tradition I've established above, I'll refer to the next comment as #2.

    2.< "Quebec is a province run by pencil-head politicians and a bloated cadre of bureaucratic idiots who overspend, over-govern, over-regulate, under-perform and under-deliver on just about every level."

    Funny, that's what I called Bourassa when he was elected in 1970 (I was a tween, but I can't forget his pencil-shaped whole body wearing neck-size 10½ shirts!...or so they looked on TV). I can only go back to the Duplessis era as that's when I came into the nightmare they call Quebec. I was too young to understand them then, but I remember those old "Kay-bec knows how!" propaganda commercials on TV likely during the Lesage era. Kay-bec knows how, all to blow it big-time. The only thing I can think of over my years in Quebec (and since I left, too) that was really successful was Expo 67. It actually made money! Unfortunately, that success was then reversed twentyfold with the Olympic disaster. By then, Lucien Saulnier has resigned from politics (it was Saulnier who managed the spending for Expo) and after that brief triumph, Montreal has been back on the downslope it experienced also prior to the Saulnier years. Lucien Saulnier was the only City Chairman, politician altogether, worth his weight likely since Montreal became a city.

    4.< "Quebecers work less than the rest of Canadians! The United States averaged 38.7 hours per week, per job, followed by 37.5 hours in Alberta, 36 in Ontario and 35.5 in British Columbia, while Quebec stands last at 35.1 hours. Defenders will say that working less is a societal choice and it might well be, but Canadians in other provinces who do work longer hours contribute around 10 billion dollars annually to Quebec's budget through the moronically indulgent equalization program. It's like your layabout brother-in-law telling you that he's making a lifestyle choice of working less while demanding that you augment his income. "

    Like I mentioned earlier, when the proverbial five o'clock whistle blows, those lazy Québécois hang up the phone mid-conversation, turn off their computers minutes before and run like hell to their cars or the Métro! Quebec public and parapublic servants lucky enough to get onto that platinum-plated RREGOP pension end up doing extremely well (about 2% of the beneficiaries are minorities) while the rest just don't work enough hours to merit better pay. Less hours worked, less pay, at least in the private sector. Let government largesse cover the shortfalls.

    Incidentally, that anecdotal description of the lazy-assed brother-in-law was portrayed to perfection, for those of us old enough to remember, on a one-season mid-70s TV show called Lotsa Luck starring Dom DeLouise. It still exists on YouTube for those who want to watch all or part of an episode...or if you can endure, the whole series!

    5.< "The cops came back an hour later and told those of us still sitting around nervously that the boy was being treated and having a cast placed on his leg at this very moment. The two cops then presented us with a giant box of fries to assuage our concern. Have we really made progress since then? "

    Whaddaya think? I think it's called regress! OMG!

  5. Here is a major reason why Jeff Petry wanted out of Montreal, and why many other players will give the Habs a pass at free agent signing time: Non, merci!

    1. What happened to her? From the article it sounds like someone rolled her eyes at her. Was it an eye-roll that triggered this anglo snowflake?
